This great attraction is located in the municipality of Sesquile at 3,100 meters above sea level at the top of the mountain to the north of the municipal seat of Guatavita, which attracts all lovers of contemplative tourism; which captivates with the spell of the Legend of El Dorado.

The lagoon was one of the most sacred of the Muiscas, since the ritual of investiture of the new Zipa was carried out there; According to legend, he was riding on a richly decorated reed raft; his body was covered entirely with powdered gold; At his feet they placed a large quantity of this and emeralds for him to offer to the gods along with lit braziers to burn a kind of incense called moque. The new dignitary was accompanied by four caciques, and when the raft reached the center of the lagoon, the people on the banks threw gold objects and precious stones into the water.

One of the most representative treasures is the famous Muisca Raft that is exhibited in the Gold Museum of the Bank of the Republic of Colombia, clear evidence that this type of ritual was celebrated in the lakes of the region. On the other hand, several attempts were made to drain the lagoon and find its hidden treasures; In one of these, Captain Lázaro Fonte managed to extract several pieces of fine gold, and Antonio de Sepúlveda found emeralds and ceramic pieces.

This legend is part of our beliefs and cultural roots and can be recreated through the walk along the path that leads to the lagoon, where you can contemplate the majesty of the impeccable green of the nature of the region that transports the visitor to the time in which our ancestors lived.

After completing the experience in the park, we recommend descending towards one of the most beautiful and magical towns in Colombia, the municipality of Guatavita, and walking through its squares and cobbled streets contemplating the different colonial attractions such as: the clock tower , the coliseum, the market square, the main square, the handicraft passage, the Guatavita coffee museum and the Tominé reservoir, among others.