The hill has heights ranging from 2,800 meters. up to its maximum peak of 3,250 called cerro de las águilas. Due to its geomorphological characteristics, it has become a large forest reserve for the recharge of aquifers, its fauna is represented by mammals such as hares, skunks, armadillos, curies; birds such as swallows, blackbirds, tufts, warblers, troglodytes, reptiles, and amphibians.

The average temperature is 12º C, with drops of up to 0ºc at night and in the early mornings. In the Forest Reserve area, in general, we find a low dry montane forest, with its characteristic flora, a subparamos area with dense patches of vegetation, high Andean forest, large wet encenillo forests and exuberant landscape, in association with typical flora such as: gaque occharo, chite or escobo, raque, chaque or roso, chusque, wild blackberry, cirus, apple tree, shrimp grape, anise grape, broom, rosemary, hayuelo, cordoncillo, ferns and bryophytes such as mosses and liverworts that they constitute important areas of the soil surface in their sponge function.

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